Active! gate SS protect organizations from Cyber Risks and Data Loss

Data loss prevention (DLP) is a set of tools and processes used to ensure that sensitive data is not lost, misused, or accessed by unauthorized users*1.
Active! gate SS is an effective DLP solution for your email environment.

3 main goals of DLP*2 :
  • Personal Information Protection / Compliance
  • IP Protection
  • Data Visibility
  1. *1 DLP software classifies regulated, confidential, and business critical data and identifies violations of policies defined by organizations or within a predefined policy pack, typically driven by regulatory compliance such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, or GDPR.
  2. *2

Below is a illustrated case study of how Active! gate SS works effectively with email systems to protect organizations on PIP/Compliance, IP Protection and Data Visibility.

Active! gate SS performs the following stages to address and eliminate threats to organization:

When managing or using mail to deliver messages, you often encounter the following problems

  1. Intentionally or unintentionally sending personal information, confidential information, or improperly worded letters to the outside world
  2. Whether the information that must be sent to the outside world, including personal information and confidential information, should be reviewed, and approved by the supervisor or special department
  3. Whether the approved letter or attachment can be automatically encrypted and then sent to the client
  4. Is it possible to allow clients to conveniently browse letters after receiving them, but restrict them from forwarding or printing them

Qualitia is a set of email message security protection software that integrates DLP, auditing, and encryption functions. Whether it is a local email system or a widely used cloud email system, Qualitia can be used for protection. More importantly, we also provide out-of-the-box Qualitia SaaS cloud email messaging security solution to keep you worry-free under the impact of the COVID 19 epidemic.

Phishing PreventionSITUATION

Ann received an innocent looking email asking for information.
As she is busy with many other tasks, she quickly replies and get on with her work.

  1. Intercept

    Active! gate SS intercepted the outgoing email base on the sensitive content on the email and unknown recipient address desination.

  2. Action

    Active! gate SS blocks the email.

  3. Notify

    Active! gate SS then notify Ann that the email has been blocked and notify IT administrator of the incident as per Corporate IT Security Standard Operating Procedure.

  4. Remedy

    IT administrator can follow-up with Ann on the incident and advise her on how to identify malicious content.

Security ComplianceSITUATION

Sue have been busy with closing business contracts.
She sends out contract and basic contact text file to major customer.

  1. Intercept

    Active! gate SS intercepted the outgoing email base on the sensitive content on the email and identifies

  2. Action

    Active! gate SS encrypts the confidential document.
    Active! gate SS identifies that do not accept big attachments, hence, Active! gate SS converts the attachment to web download format.

  3. Notify

    No notification has been sent as per Corporate IT Security Standard Operating Procedure.

  4. Remedy

    Everything is fine and dandy, just another day and the company data is securely delivered.

Service ComplianceSITUATION

Kim have been frustrated at work.
She unknowingly replies to major customer in a less helpful manner.

  1. Intercept

    Active! gate SS intercepted the outgoing email based on unhealthy lingo used such as “not free” and/or “no way” in the outgoing email email and identifies

  2. Action

    Active! gate SS blocks the email.

  3. Notify

    Active! gate SS notify staff of the blocked email as per Corporate IT Security Standard Operating Procedure.

  4. Remedy

    Supervisor speaks with Kim to understand her frustration and tries to relieve the situation so that her working environment improves. Kim is a happy employee again!

Approval WorkflowSITUATION

Jim emails a quotation to customer.

  1. Intercept

    Active! gate SS intercepted the outgoing email as it detects that it’s a quotation from Department “Territory Sales A” and identifies

  2. Action

    Active! gate SS directs the quotation email to authorised supervisor of “Territory Sales A” for approval.
    Active! gate SS awaits for approval confirmation. After 1 hour, Active! gate SS redirects the quotation email to second authorised supervisor of “Territory Sales A” for approval.
    Once approved, Active! gate SS proceeds to encrypt the attachment and deliver the approved email to recipient/s

  3. Notify

    No notification has been sent as per Corporate IT Security Standard Operating Procedure.

  4. Remedy

    Everything is fine and dandy, just another day and the company data is securely delivered.

Active! gate SS – Email Data Loss Prevention

7 Approaches to Prevent Erroneous Email Sending

  1. Auto-Encryption of file attachments

    1. Ability to automatically encrypt outgoing email attachments based on the file contents, type of emails, receiving party and/or sender.
    2. Protects organizations from data leaks and man-in-the-middle cyberattacks.
  2. Web download for file attachments

    1. Provides link for email attachments to be downloaded (with password).
    2. Ability to control link validity and disable downloads.
    3. an be used with other policies such as Auto-encryption to further secure the data transmission.
    4. Allow organization flexibility in situations where encrypted attachments are not allowed to be received and/or recipients cannot receive larger emails due to company policies.
  3. Auto-hold on sent emails

    1. Allow organization to enforce a “cooling-off” period for emails with large audience or important emails (such as marketing EDMs), so any errors or amendments can be made at the last minute before it reaches the target audience.
  4. Customizable hold period

    1. Allow the Auto-hold duration to be customized from 5 mins to 7 days.
  5. Auto-Bcc

    1. Detects the nature of email and automatically moves visible email addresses to BCC, so recipients will not see other recipients’ email addresses; protecting the privacy of recipients.
  6. Restrictions on outgoing emails

    1. Restrict certain emails from being sent from company such as resumes, contents with vulgarities, etc.
    2. Option to inform sender of the reason for rejection and/or inform supervisor of the instance.
  7. Managerial approval

    1. Detects certain emails that requires approval before it can be delivered.
    2. Allow delivery or rejection if no approval after certain time.
    3. Allow multiple approval levels.

Features can be used in combination due to the strength of Qualitia’s Active! gate SS policy engine.